Baby Hates Tummy Time
We sometimes hear parents tell us “My baby hates tummy time.” Some babies can take time to get used to being on their tummy, or don’t tolerate it well. However, their are strategies that parents can use to help their baby with tummy time and make it more fun. Tummy time is very important for a babies development and helps them reach other milestones so its important to find ways to make tummy time part of your infants play and routine. While its safer to have your baby sleep on their back because it carries a much lower risk of SIDS than putting them to sleep on their stomach, supervised tummy time is very important for your babies development and heath.
Baby Doing Tummy Time
What Is Tummy Time?
Tummy time is when you lay your baby on their bellies while they are awake and supervised, so that they can play and develop the muscles needed to lift their heads, crawl and reach other milestones. Tummy time has many benefits. Besides being great exercise for you infant, it can be fun and gives them a new view of the world.
Tummy Time Benefits
Tummy Time is great exercise and helps baby to strengthen the neck, core, shoulders, and upper body muscles.
Tummy time helps prevent flat head or positional plagiocephaly
It shows them a new view of the world and encourages sensory development
It is a fun position for play and exploration
Helps your baby develop and reach future milestones like rolling over, crawling and sitting up. Its an important part of early stimulation for your baby.
Tummy Time can be an important time for baby to bond with parents, siblings and care givers
Tummy time helps babies develop neck and shoulder strength
When To Start Tummy Time
Start tummy time with your newborn baby as soon as you can, even if it is for short periods of time at first. You can start brief period of tummy time with them your first day with them. When you first begin, your newborn might be in small 20-60 second segments and then you can work to longer periods of time as your baby tolerates it. By 7 weeks of age the American Pediatric Association recommends between 15-30 minutes of tummy time a day, although this can be broken down into smaller periods at a time.
Tips To Help Your Baby With Tummy Time
Start your newbron baby with tummy time with every diaper change, even its for a few seconds.
If your baby has trouble with or hates tummy time on the floor, prop yourself up on a pillow or sofa and lay your baby on your chest facing you. This is great bonding time and its easier for your baby to lift their head up because they are not flat on the ground.
3. You can use a bobby pillow or towel under their arms which makes it easier for them to lift their head up.
4. Place a toy out in front of them so they can grab it. You can also move the toy side to side so they need to shift weight and develop strength to get it. As your infant gets stronger you can start placing toys a little out of reach so that they need to move and strive to reach them. Actively trying to move toward and strive for what they want is an important part of babies development.
5. Have someone the baby enjoys, such as a sibling sit or lay in front of the baby during tummy time
6. If your baby is not tolerating or seems to hate tummy time try breaking the sessions up into smaller periods of time. You can also change locations and scenery to keep it engaging and interesting.
7. Try capturing your babies attention during tummy time with visual stimulation. Toys, objects and colors the baby likes can help keep them engaged and occupied during tummy time. Lights or reflective objects such as mirrors can also provide interest.
8. Play fun music to keep you both engaged during tummy time.
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Is It Normal That My Baby Hates Tummy Time?
If your baby hates tummy time, their are many other parents out their that can relate. It is not uncommon for a baby to not tolerate tummy time well and fuss and cry, but hopefully this blog post helped stress the important benefits of tummy time with your infant and offered some helpful hints, tips and suggestions. Just be patient and persistent and enjoy each of your babies stages. Begin with short periods of a few minutes at a time until your baby’s strength and endurance builds. Then you can begin to add longer periods of tummy time.
If you feel like you need help with tummy time it may be helpful to consult your health care provider or pediatric physical therapist.
Baby Development and Milestones Includes Tummy Time
Remember: Although tummy time is great for development and exploration, babies should always sleep on their back to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). If your baby falls asleep during tummy time you can gently move them to their back to keep sleeping.